The proposed roles and responsibilities of the Management Level Credit Committee are summarized below:


  • The purpose of the MCC is to support the BOD to:
  • Approve all Credit falling within the approval authority of the committee and the overall delegation of approval authority structure of the Bank


  • Consider credit proposals in accordance with the Delegation Matrix for loans as per the stated policies and approve exceptional credits.
  • Decide on new and review/renewal of Credit Applications for borrowers and counterparties up to the approval authorities as delegated to the Committee and within approved policies.
  • Seek ratification of approvals provided by them on a quarterly basis from BCRC.
  • The Committee shall also review the broad credit portfolio, group exposures, NPL status and other credit risk related issues within the Bank.
  • Establish and maintain loans strategy and policies.
  • Monitor compliance with both external regulation and the Policy governing the Bank’s loans and categories of loans, including requirements relating to composition , diversification , credit risk and yield.
  • Deliberate as required to approve or disapprove any matters subject to the Committee’s approval authority, as called for by the Credit Policy or Board resolution.
  • Consider whether a proposed loan is a related party transaction.
  • Monitor the performance of loans.
  • Provide the Board with timely assessment of the aggregate credit risk profile concerning risk concentration , portfolio composition and quality.
  • Approve target market criteria in line with approved risk strategy and risk appetite of the bank.
  • Review and approve delegation of financial approval authority to various officials of the Bank with respect to credit within the overall parameters approval by the Board.
  • Approve risk limits proposed i.e credit risk limits.
  • Delegation of approval authority structure.
  • Approve industry and Country concentration limits.
  • Conduct periodic portfolio reviews to ensure that the portfolio risk is within the acceptable risk parameters.
  • Propose credit risk strategy and risk appetite of the bank for approval by Board.
  • Setting up guidelines for identifying credit risk in all new products, processes and activities.