Anar Gat Savings Account

The Anar Gat Savings is a savings plan for adults aged 18 and above to save money individually or jointly over a specified period, either regularly or in advance, with the aim of achieving their future goals.

Product Features

  • Opening an account requires individuals to be at least 18 years old and can be done individually or jointly with adults.
  • The minimum initial deposit is Ks. 30,000 and additional deposits are allowed.
  • 9.00% p.a (Ks. 10,000 and above).
  • Bonus interest is 3.00% and becomes available only after the specified period is completed.
  • Interest will be credited to the savings account on a monthly basis, at the end of each month, and it will be calculated based on the minimum balance during the 5th and the end of the month.

Required Documents

  • Original or Copy of the NRC (National Registration Card) for the person aged 18.
  • If opening joint accounts, include the NRC of the joint person.
  • Copy of the household residence registration (If opening joint accounts, include copies for both persons.)
  • License photo (If opening joint accounts, include license photos for both persons.)

Terms & Conditions


  • Deposit can be made in cash or via bank transfer.

Closing Account

  • The account closing can be done by returning the savings book to the branch the account was opened. Savings, interest and bonus interest will be issued together upon completion of the terms when closing the account.
  • The joint person must be present, and both must sign and complete the account closure process.